Shanghai. Shanghai. Cina. 04-Sep-2023.负责对接业务部门,了解业务部门招聘需求;根据招聘需求,和用人部门厘清目标候选人画像,制定招聘策略;通过各种渠道寻访合适候选人,并筛选合适候选人进入面试环节;对接候选人的全招聘流程相关事宜,推动招聘流程进展;持续优化和提升候选人招聘体验;其他招聘相关事宜。
California, Illinois. Amerika Serikat. 06-Jun-2023.Folgende Aufgaben übernehmen Sie in dieser Funktion:ABC
North West, East Midlands. Britania Raya. 06-Jun-2023.
East of Japan. Tokyo. Jepang. 10-May-2023.SUMMARY (Scope of Role)/仕事の概要(職務範囲)This position is responsible for managing end-to-end process of talent acquisition in Japan and fulfilling theregular and temporary positions in timely manner. The position requires high level of coordination andcommunication among all the stakeholders in...
Mazowieckie. Warsaw. Polandia. 06-Mar-2023.
California. Amerika Serikat. 02-Mar-2023.test
Jerman. 20-Feb-2023.